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India's Aid To Global Community: Wuhan Virus

~ Devodatta & Devanurag

· Wuhan virus,corona virus,COVID-19,World Eyes

India the most diversified country with a huge population of 1.35 billion people, has very well managed the situation in order to control the spread of the deadly Wuhan virus in the country as compared to all other nations around the globe. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the country has undertaken a nationwide lockdown in order to curtail the spread of the Wuhan Virus (COVID 19). Even before the spread of this deadly virus in the country, India has taken all necessary preventive measures such as taking rapid actions to limit travel by suspending visas and quarantining all incoming travellers, where all of the travellers had to go through Universal Health Screening. Under the leadership of the central government, various state governments were directed to make quarantine centres for the infected patients.

The Modi government was quick to recommend all the Indians to avoid or postpone mass gatherings and to promote social distancing until the the virus is contained. All the Educational Institutions, Gyms, Shopping Complexes were shut down so as to prevent mass gathering.

On March 22, India had banned all the International Flights so as to control the spread of this virus. India has also stopped the railways and domestic flights to control the spread. India has set an example for the world on how to stop the spread of the deadly virus by taking all the necessary preventive measures.

India has always been a country who helped other nations during their difficult times. And even during this situation India has come forward with its helping hand to reach out to other nations so as to control the spread of this virus.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the leadership and had called all the SAARC nations for regional cooperation in order to fight against this Corona Virus. India has then provided support to South Asian countries such as Bhutan, Maldives and Nepal under the announcements made during the SAARC COVID-19 meet. During the video conference, India has announced a COVID emergency fund and had said its rapid response team will be available to any SAARC country in the need.


India has sent an aid to Italy, one of the most highly affected country due to the spread of the deadly Wuhan virus (COVID-19). India had sent various medical equipments and masks, despite India itself is fighting with the growth of this virus. India has also provided 15 tonnes of medical assistance to China which comprises of gloves, masks and other medical equipments.


India is the largest provider of the Generic Drugs round the globe. Due to this pandemic situation the government decided to ban the Export so that there is no shortage in the country. But after the high demand of Hydroxychloroquine, (malarial drug) which was made by various countries in the world to India, even after the ban on the export, India lifted the ban on humanitarian grounds and has provided this drug to the countries who had demanded for it.

The response from various countries were:


The President of America Donald Trump thanked India;

“Extraordinary times require even closer cooperation between friends. Thank you India and the Indian people for the decision on HCQ. Will not be forgotten!”

“Thank you, Prime Minister, Narendra Modi for your strong leadership in helping not just India, but humanity, in this fight!”


The President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro while urging Narendra Modi for Hydroxychloroquine, wrote in a letter~

“Just as Lord Hanuman brought the holy medicine ( Sanjeevani booti) from the Himalayas to save the life of lord Ram’s brother Lakshman, and Jesus healed those who were sick and restored sight to Bartimeu, India and Brazil will overcome this global crisis by joining forces and sharing blessings for the sake of all people.”

After India lifted the ban from Hydroxychloroquine, the Brazilian PM thanked India;

“ I thank Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the people of India for such timely help to the people of Brazil”

Till now India has already sent Hydroxychloroquine to countries such as United States of America, Brazil, Israel, Spain, Germany, Bahrain, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bangladesh, Seychelles, Mauritius and the Dominican Republic.

India has also provided Paracetamol to United Kingdom after the British Government demanded for it. In response to India’s move to provide the said drug, the British government after receiving the drug, hailed the India-UK trade ties as the first consignment of 2,800,000 packets of paracetamol sent from India was set to be distributed across the country's supermarkets and retailers to stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.


India is all set to export wheat to Afghanistan and grain to Lebanon in diplomatic deals in order to prevent food shortage in these countries.


India has always helped and showed true friendship by helping other nations during difficult times. India has and is till now showing great leadership in this pandemic and has lead the entire region (SAARC) so that the spread of the virus can be curtailed.



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