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Sanatana Dharma : The Guide For a Better Life

                                ~Devodatta & Devanurag

· Sanatan Dharma,Dharma,World,World Eyes,way of living

Sanatana Dharma is the world's most ancient culture where one gets to know as to how to lead a fair and healthy life. It doesn't represent only religion but also it represents the way of living. The word Sanatana Dharma is composed of two words, "Sanatana" and "Dharma" where Sanatana means "that which is eternal" and "Dharma" means "that which sustains the society, protects the society from destruction and downfall".Sanatana Dharma is nothing but spiritual laws which can lead us to achieve our eternal goals.It teaches us two most important things , one is the "Dharma" and the other is "Karma". Dharma means the duty or the responsibility that an individual is supposed to perform, e.g: it may be the duty of parents, children, workers, leaders etc.

Karma means action or work. For everything we do through mind, word and body are all considered as karma. Karma stand for performing the actions with serenity without any concern for the result. It teaches us to lead the life in four different stages for the attainment of Moksha or Freedom from the cycle of Rebirth. The various stages are Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, Sanyas.

The world at large is now adopting the values and practices of the Sanatana Dharma. Starting from greeting people by joining hands known as Namaskara, to lifestyle practices. Even the medication pursued by the people in the ancient India, that is the Ayurvedic system of treating people, is now gaining more and more popularity. People round the globe is now highly interested in researching the Ayurvedic form of Medical Science.

The Chanting of "OM" also known as the sound of the Universe, also has a lot of importance in human lives as it connects ourselves with the universe. The continuous pattern of chanting the word "OM" have a calming effect on the body and the nervous system and also lowers the blood pressure and increases the health of the heart. The rhythmic chanting of the Sanskrit slokas also has a great importance in ones's life as it sharpens the capacity of the brain.

A British school has made compulsory teaching of chanting Sanskrit slokas as its practice helps students in grasping Maths, Science and other subjects easily. Sanatana Dharma has also provided us practising Yoga and Meditation. Both Yoga and Meditation improves our Physical and Mental health. Practicing yoga is known to improve flexibility, balance, endurance and Physical Strength. While Meditation helps to keep the mind sharp and clear, relieve stress and improve overall well-being. Due to the stressful life of people around the globe, yoga and meditation can be of great help to relax and release our stress and anxiety levels.

Sanatana Dharma teaches us that God is present in everything in this universe whether it is living or non-living.It also teaches us that service to mankind is service to God and also tells us as to how can we attain Moksha. Well being of everyone is the main motive of Santana Dharma.Thus, it's not only a religion but a guide to live a better life.